The Medicea Foundation was established in 2014 to progress and improve the quality of clinical trials provided in Poland and to undertake innovative activities in medicine to improve the quality of patient treatment.

The Foundation was established by the Amethyst Radiotherapy Centre in Krakow, the Ludwik Rydygier Memorial Specialized Hospital in Krakow Ltd and the Association of Good IT Practice in Medicine “Primum Servire”.

The goals adopted by the founders of the Foundation are implemented, among others, through investments in scientific, research and medical facilities.

On the initiative of the Medicea Foundation, the following entities were established to implement the Foundation’s ideas:

  • Clinical Research Centre at the Stefan Zeromski Memorial Specialist Hospital in Krakow (Ośrodek Badań Klinicznych przy Szpitalu Specjalistycznym im. Stefana Żeromskiego w Krakowie Spółka z o.o.),
  • Clinical Research Centre at the Ludwik Rydygier Memorial Specialist Hospital in Krakow (Ośrodek Badań Klinicznych przy Szpitalu Specjalistycznym im. Ludwika Rydygiera w Krakowie Sp. z o.o.),
  • Centre for Clinical Trials and Registers (Centrum Badań Klinicznych i Rejestrów Sp. z o.o.).

In addition to financing strictly scientific and research initiatives, the Foundation allocates part of its profits to improve the quality of patients’ treatment conditions.

In 2018-2020 donations were made to, among others, the Ludwik Rydygier Memorial Specialized Hospital in Krakow and the University Hospital in Krakow – Clinical Department of Urology and Urology Oncology.

The Medicea Foundation organizes social campaigns focusing on identifying the needs of Polish patients, i.e. support and understanding from the entourage, efficient and effective health care, increasing knowledge about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and awareness of the disease entities themselves, as well as breaking taboos among the sick and their relatives. The implementation of these campaigns includes targeted communication actions aimed at solving or reducing social problems by changing the attitudes or behaviors of specific target groups.

In other words, the Foundation introduce the public with its activities aimed at raising patients’ awareness by emphasizing the sense of influence on their health and the forms of therapy they are entitled to.

When preparing the substantive content, the Medicea Foundation cooperates with Polish and foreign Scientific Societies, and invites other Foundations and Patient Associations to implement projects.

Official Polish language website of the Medicea Foundation: